Newest Products
Comedy Stunts
Screamlined Patter-Rhymes & Wrinkles
The 1982-83 Magic Directory
Jean Merlin's Ropes Series 1, Inscribed and Signed
Comedy Mentalism
Jester Marionette
Walnut Hat Marionette
Personalize a Fun Filled Lecture Experience Featuring Hank Moorehouse
A Magic Lecture by Hank Moorehouse, Inscribed and Signed
Magic Ink
The Anatomy of Magic with ALS
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 43
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 41
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 37
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 34 & No. 35
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 22
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 20
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 19
L. L. Ireland Magic Catalog No. 8
Funny Talk for Magicians
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 17
Mario Carrandi Catalog Winter '77
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 25-No. 32
The Encyclopedia of Collectibles
Magic by Ho Yam
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Gambling
Magic: The Mystery Mart
Haines House of Cards Catalog
A Treasure Chest of Magic Catalog No. 30
Silk King Studios Catalog No. 28
Max Holden's Magic Shops Catalog No. 9
The Yankee Magic Collector #10
The Yankee Magic Collector #10
The Yankee Magic Collector #8
The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart
The History of Gambling in England
Curiosities of London
MacDougall on Dice and Cards
What Shall We Do To-Night? Or Social Amusements for Evening Parties
Irving The Magician and Company Show No. 3
Magic at Tamarack
Blackstone World's Super Magician and His Show of 1001 Wonders Programs
Harlan Tarbell's Mysteries of the East
Clinton Burgess Advertisement
Smarlinghue "The Great" Magician and Illusionist
Selvin the Master Magician and Company
Sir Felix Korim: 16th Annual Magi-Fest
The Alchemist
Three Magic Postcards
Wilfred Tyler Advertisement, Inscribed and Signed
Fredrik The Great at Converse Theatre
Harry Blackstone American Theatre Program
Teach Yourself Magic Tricks, Inscribed and Signed
Harry Blackstone I. B. M. Ring 76
Richard C. Jarrow I. B. M. Membership Certificates
Black Art or Magic Made Easy
Modern Master Mysteries
Tricks for Amateurs of Both Sexes
The Expert at Cards
New Gipsy Dream Book and Fortune Teller
New Book of Card Tricks No. 21
Great Scandals of Cheating at Cards
The Modern Magician, Complete File and Other Magazines
Leaves from My Notebook
Festivals, Games and Amusements: Ancient and Modern
The Boy's Own Book
Homemade Games
Rusty Redwood and Captain Bob Postcard
Bill LaFollette Christmas Card, Signed
The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester
The First Time Around, Inscribed and Signed
Merlin's Catalog of Magic
The Hard Knocker's Luck
Henry Hardin's Memorandum of Magic
Money from Entertaining
Rummy that Noble Game Expounded in Prose, Poetry Diagram and Engraving
How to Become a Conjuror: Everybody's Book of Modern Illusions and Magic
The Watch Manipulation Act or Watch It!
Big Stage Show Advertisement
The Great Raymond Letterhead
Macy's Book of Sports and Pastimes
Virgil: Garfield Theater Newsette
Siegfried and Roy Advertisement
The Amazing Mr. Rooklyn Souvenir Booklet
Folies Bergere Program
American Museum of Magic Brochure
Milbourne Christopher: Longacre Theatre
Color Printed Sorcar Souvenir Program
Horace Goldin: Olympic Theatre
Thurston National Theatre Program
Blackstone and His 1001 Wonders: Shubert Lafayette Theatre
Irving The Magician and Company Show No. 7
Sorcar International Program
The Irish Tom Thumb
Gentilly Photographs
Blackstone: The Playhouse
Blackstone: The Playhouse
Blackstone: McCaskey High School Auditorium
Blackstone: Davidson Theatre
Russell Walsh Flyer
Solomon's Secrets
Rameses the Forgotten Star
Playing Card in Photographs
Life and Times of Augustus Rapp
Jay Marshall Auction Catalog
Cutting Up Touches
Timbas, Chirlatas y Casinos
Los Secretos de la Prestidigitacion y de la Magia
Nuevo Manual de Juegos
The Sharper Detected and Exposed
Ten Secrets of Modern Magic
Gambling Memorabilia Featruing the Collection of Tom Blue (March 30, 2019)
Vintage Posters (May 22, 2019)
The Magic Collection of Jim Rawlins, Part II (June 29th, 2019)
The Illustrated Book of Patience Games
The Book of Modern Conjuring
Scientific Mysteries
The Boys' Book of Magic
Practical Ventriloquism
Gilbert's Magical Broadcaster Vol. 1 No. 61