Newest Products
Sharps and Flats
$30.00 -
Modern Conjuring
$20.00 -
Hercat's Simple Tricks for Social Gatherings
$45.00 -
Magie Fin de Siecle
$150.00 -
Hindu Magic
$55.00 -
Walter Gibson Radio Scripts for Blackstone
$250.00 -
Siegfried and Roy in Beyond Belief Program
$30.00 -
Vintage Houdini Print on Board
$50.00 -
Maskelyne's Mysteries Program
$55.00 -
Maskelyne and Devant's Mysteries Program
$75.00 -
The Invisible Princess
$25.00 -
Glass, Candle and Silk Fantasy
$45.00 -
Gamesters Engraving
$45.00 -
How to Make a Quack - Quack
$30.00 -
Tricks and Illusions
$65.00 -
Sid Lorraine's Scrapbook
$35.00 -
More Conjuring
$65.00 -
Chandu Program
$25.00 -
The John Calvert Xmas Spectacular Program (Inscribed and Signed)
$90.00 -
Moscow State Circus of 1959 Program Featuring Kio
$35.00 -
Feats of Balancing That Anyone Can Perform
$18.00 -
Silent Mora Portrait
$15.00 -
Duke Stern Portrait
$18.00 -
Vanishing Coin Box
$40.00 -
WOW Book Test
$75.00 -
Micro Magie avec des Elastiques
$60.00 -
Eye Foolers: A Book of Optical Illusions
$20.00 -
Wehman Bros.' Magic Made Easy
$30.00 -
Set of Five U. S. Playing Card Co. Booklets
$95.00 -
Germain the Wizard and His Legerdemain
$85.00 -
Recreations in Science and Natural Philosophy
$350.00 -
The Modern Playmate
$350.00 -
Der Zauberer Magic Set
$800.00 -
Collections of Gilbert Ephemera
$150.00 -
Soiree Fantastique, Startling Magical Illusions Program
$350.00 -
My Secrets of Magic
$35.00 -
Magician's Handy Book of Cigarette Tricks
$20.00 -
Houdini Commemorative Token
$25.00 -
Photographs of Escape Artists
$40.00 -
Cardinin American Legion Program
$100.00 -
Mr. Wil Nicola Brochure
$35.00 -
Neyhart Rising Cards
$950.00 -
Cutting Cards Classifying Deck
$30.00 -
A Word in a Million
$20.00 -
You Don't Have to Slay a Dragon!
$35.00 -
A Magician in Many Lands
$75.00 -
Solomon's Mind
$15.00 -
Clever… Like a Fox (Inscribed and Signed)
$55.00 -
$60.00 -
P & L Glass Through Hat
$225.00$350.00 -
Carteles de Magia (Inscribed and Signed)
$125.00 -
A History of the Art of Magic
$175.00 -
The Magic Hands (Signed)
$35.00 -
Lash LaRue, The King of the Bullwhip (Inscribed and Signed)
$38.00 -
On Second Thought
$25.00 -
Syzygy: The Journal of Contemporary Mentalism, the First Five Volumes
$200.00 -
War Cards
$125.00 -
The Comic Book Mystery
$6.00 -
Eclipse Wallet
$22.00 -
Yankee Gathering Placement Mat
$15.00 -
The Magic Land of Allakazam (Signed)
$125.00 -
The Topit Book (Inscribed and Signed)
$45.00 -
How to Perform Instant Magic
$10.00 -
Carter Beats the Devil
$18.00 -
Sing-Sing Ring Box
$50.00 -
Brass Coin Safe
$20.00 -
The Leveridge Link
$35.00 -
Magic Treasure Box
$35.00 -
Loki's Golden Locket
$45.00 -
The Great Raymond Teatro Comedia Broadside
$50.00 -
A-B-C Blocko
$40.00 -
Spooky Glass
$15.00$25.00 -
Die Sation
$50.00 -
Jumbo Ultissimo
$150.00 -
$50.00 -
Skittle Trick
$125.00 -
Tanner Tube (Coin Penetration)
$80.00 -
Locking Bill Tube
$65.00 -
Crackle Finish Phantom Tube
$100.00 -
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Program 1950 Edition
$22.00 -
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Program 1951 Edition
$22.00 -
Circus Ephemera
$45.00 -
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Program 1952 Edition
$22.00 -
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Program 1955 Edition
$22.00 -
Cole Bros Circus with Hopalong Cassidy
$10.00 -
Pair of King Bros. Circus Letterheads
$22.00 -
Tarbell Post-Graduate Service in Magic, Service No. 1
$29.00 -
How to Book Your Attraction
$15.00 -
Richard Osterlind's Three Miracle Routines
$22.00 -
Modern Illusions
$15.00 -
$100 Book Plus!
$15.00 -
$15.00 -
King Bros. Circus Letterheads
$100.00 -
Some Magic Dealers Past and Present Here and Abroad Large Photograph
$125.00 -
So You Want to Be a Magician!
$20.00 -
Carteles de Magia
$20.00 -
Houdini's Magic Secrets
$12.00 -
L'Illusionniste Amateur, No. 2 Tours de Cartes
$45.00 -
Knots & Splices
$12.00 -
Fun With Cards
$25.00 -
David Bull ALS
$16.00 -
Clever Tricks Trade Cards
$65.00 -
Harry Rouclere TLS
$75.00 -
Small Phantom Tube
$35.00 -
Drop Out
$35.00 -
Four Ace Trick Stand
$50.00 -
Crystal Casket
$325.00$500.00 -
$225.00 -
Handkerchief Magic T-10
$50.00 -
Skylighter Wand
$12.00 -
P & L Phantom Tube
$55.00 -
Sub Trunk - Metamorphosis
$750.00 -
Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company Program
$15.00 -
The Great Raymond at Alhambra Theatre
$90.00 -
La Lanterna Magica, Peepshow Engraving
$125.00 -
Society of American Magicians 66th Annual Convention Program
$8.00 -
Nesting Production Clocks
$175.00 -
Production Cage
$100.00 -
Wooden Genii Tube
$80.00 -
Das Universum der Magie