Products by "Chicago"
Maro Prince of Magic, Flags of the World Window Card
$325.00 -
The Spirit World Unmasked
$250.00 -
The Expert at the Card Table
$250.00 -
The Expert at the Card Table
$250.00 -
Tricks in Magic, Illusions, and Mental Phenomena Vol. I - III
$225.00 -
Maro Prince of Magic, Incubation a la Magique Window Card
$200.00 -
Maro Prince of Magic, The Cabinet of Balsamo Window Card
$200.00 -
A Magician's Tour
$175.00 -
Herrmann the Magician
$175.00 -
The Napoleon Myth
$150.00 -
The Expert at the Card Table
$135.00 -
Leaves from Conjurers' Scrap Books or, Modern Magicians and Their Works
$125.00 -
Around the World with a Magician and a Juggler
$125.00 -
Behind the Scenes with the Mediums
$105.00 -
Around the World with a Magician and a Juggler
$100.00 -
The Old and the New Magic
$100.00 -
$100.00 -
Social Amusements
$100.00 -
The Expert at the Card Table
$95.00 -
The Expert at the Card Table
$90.00 -
The Law of Psychic Phenomena
$90.00 -
Leaves from Conjurers' Scrap Books or, Modern Magicians and Their Works
$85.00 -
Whist Scored and Card-Table Talk with a Bibliography of Whist
$85.00 -
Card Tricks: How to Do Them, and Slight of Hand
$80.00 -
Behind the Scenes with the Mediums
$80.00 -
Tricks with Coins
$75.00 -
Ireland Magic Co. Catalogs
$75.00 -
S.A.M. Chicago Assembly No. 3 Reception Menu
$60.00 -
The Boy Mechanic, Volume II
$55.00 -
Latter Day Tricks
$55.00 -
Thurston at Olympic Theatre Chicago
$50.00 -
Chicago Magic Co. Token MT066
$50.00 -
Harry Blackstone Real Photo Postcard
$50.00 -
Faro Exposed
$50.00 -
One Hundred Entertainments
$45.00 -
Psychic Science Series, No. 6: Spiritualism
$40.00 -
Joseph Kolar Contract, The Wonderland Co.
$40.00 -
Leon and Company Program
$40.00 -
10th Annual Magic Collectors Weekend Token
$35.00 -
Playing Cards in Photographs
$35.00 -
Net of Magic
$32.00 -
Advertising Association of Chicago Luncheon Featuring The Great Raymond
$30.00 -
Card Tricks
$30.00 -
Nelmar the Great Broadside
$30.00 -
The Chicago Assembly No. 3 Night of Mystery Program
$28.00 -
The Book of Card Tricks
$25.00 -
Spiritism Exposed Program
$25.00 -
Card Tricks: How to Do Them, and Sleight of Hand
$25.00 -
Professor Fredrick Andrews Program
$25.00 -
Tarbell System Token
$25.00 -
Fifth Annual Mystery Show Program for the Society of American Magicians, Chicago Assembly
$25.00 -
Dance of Death Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Chief Roongwa Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Bone Crushing Anaconda Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Sideshow Banner Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Sideshow Banner Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Chevalier Ernest Thorn Belt Buckle
$24.95 -
Chicago Magic Co. No. 19
$24.00 -
The High School Stunt Show and Carnival
$22.00 -
How to Mystify With Magic
$22.00 -
Laurie Ireland Token
$22.00 -
The Wizard Club of Chicago Programs
$20.00 -
Kovari's Master Magic
$20.00 -
Card Table Artifice and Legerdemain
$20.00 -
George Val George Postcard
$20.00 -
Russ Walsh Postcard
$20.00 -
The Wizard Club of Chicago Programs
$20.00 -
Arthur P. Felsman Token, 38.3mm
$20.00 -
America's Master Magician: Birch
$20.00 -
Chicago Assembly of American Magicians Program
$20.00 -
$18.00 -
The Book of Card Tricks
$17.00 -
Third Annual Mystery Show Program
$15.00 -
Chicago Stagebill: Harry Blackstone
$15.00 -
Manipulating with Leech
$15.00 -
The Wizard Club Program
$15.00 -
Penn and Teller Showbill
$12.00 -
Soiree Magique
$12.00 -
Herman the Second, Gus Leonard Program
$12.00 -
Bob Sharpe Portrait
$12.00 -
Browsing Around in Magic
$12.00 -
Society of American Magicians Letterhead
$12.00 -
Fun Shop Sticker