Products by " "
Magical Hints and Valuable Information
$65.00 -
Program Featuring Henry Dixey
$65.00 -
The Illustrated Book of Patience Games
$65.00 -
Fu-Manchu, Nuevamente en Mexico
$65.00 -
Ester'a De Dante Broadside
$65.00 -
Les Secrets Des Tricheurs, Signed
$65.00 -
Check Signed by Theo Bamberg (Okito)
$65.00 -
Maskelyne's Book of Magic
$65.00 -
Games for Family Parties and Children
$65.00 -
Nouveautes Cartomagiques
$65.00 -
$65.00 -
Card Tricks and Puzzles
$65.00 -
Seance on a Wet Afternoon
$65.00 -
Beating a Dead Horse: The Life and Times of Jay Marshall
$62.00 -
Ultra Candle Tube
$62.00 -
Kikuchi Fire Coin Purse
$60.00 -
Ken Brooke's Magic Place
$60.00 -
Square Circle Black Art Cabinet
$60.00 -
Japan Ingenious: A Compendium
$60.00 -
Goebel: The Man with the Magical Mind
$60.00 -
The Magic of Michael Ammar
$60.00 -
Slow Motion Magic, Volume I
$60.00 -
My Magic Life
$60.00 -
Close-Up Elegance
$60.00 -
Approaching Magic
$60.00 -
"Drumhead" Candle to Silks
$60.00 -
P & L Multiplying Billiard Balls
$60.00 -
Digital Effects: The Magic of Joe Mogar
$60.00 -
$60.00 -
$60.00 -
Willard the Wizard (Inscribed and Signed)
$60.00 -
The Great Blackstone Property Plot
$60.00 -
Conjuring Tricks with Coins, Watches, Rings, and Handkerchiefs
$60.00 -
More Magic
$60.00 -
White Magic: The Story of Maskelynes
$60.00 -
Will Goldston's Easy Road to Magic
$60.00 -
Howard Thurston's Card Tricks
$60.00 -
Blackstone Manchester Lodge, No. 146
$60.00 -
Suzy Wandas: The Lady with the Fairy Fingers
$60.00 -
The Odin Rings
$60.00 -
Tricks with Eggs, Hats, etc.
$60.00 -
Father Cyprian Certificates
$60.00 -
The Adventures of a Boy Magician
$60.00 -
Der Hofnarr Joseph Frochlich
$60.00 -
Mediums, Fakires y Prestidigitadores
$60.00 -
Marveilles de la Force et de l'Adresse
$60.00 -
It's Fun to be Fooled Chapters 1-22
$60.00 -
Appel aux Souscripteurs
$60.00 -
S.A.M. Chicago Assembly No. 3 Reception Menu
$60.00 -
The Great Raymond at The Palace Doorhanger
$60.00 -
Webster's Poker Book
$60.00 -
Tour de Cartes Faciles
$60.00 -
The Conjuror's Repository
$60.00 -
Charles Bertram: the Court Conjurer
$60.00 -
Secrets of Magic
$60.00 -
1001 Home Amusements
$60.00 -
Six Shot Lota
$55.00 -
Of Legierdemaine and Diverse Juggling Knacks
$55.00 -
Astound Your Audience, Volume I & II
$55.00 -
$55.00 -
P & L Utility Tube
$55.00 -
Mastering the Art of Magic
$55.00 -
Clyde Beatty Circus Clown Poster
$55.00 -
Caliph's Cone (Chop Cup)
$55.00 -
Illusion Builder to Fu-Manchu (David Bamberg)
$55.00 -
Modern Magic
$55.00 -
The Ricky Jay Collection Part II Catalog
$55.00 -
Mr. Punch's History of Modern England, Vols. 1 - 2
$55.00 -
Magic Castle Souvenir Book
$55.00 -
Clever…. Like a Fox (Inscribed and Signed)
$55.00 -
$55.00 -
The Adventures of Ajeeb
$55.00 -
Ju-Ju Stick
$55.00 -
Tricks of To-Day
$55.00 -
Houdini's Escapes
$55.00 -
Houdini's Escapes and Magic
$55.00 -
Easy Magic with Patter, Part I and II
$55.00 -
Universal Nut
$55.00 -
Secrets of the Great Mysteries Now Revealed for the First Time
$55.00 -
The Boy Mechanic, Volume II
$55.00 -
Howard Thurston's Card Tricks
$55.00 -
Smoke and Mirrors: Secrets of Becoming a Star in Magic
$55.00 -
The Mentalist
$55.00 -
The Robert-Houdin Portfolio
$55.00 -
Salon de Magie, the Klosterman Collection Part III
$55.00 -
Ickle Pickle Chop Cup
$55.00 -
Society of American Magicians Signed Poster
$55.00 -
Hindu Magic
$55.00 -
Clever… Like a Fox (Inscribed and Signed)
$55.00 -
Another Book (Inscribed and Signed)
$55.00 -
How to Read Palms (Inscribed and Signed)
$55.00 -
P & L Phantom Tube
$55.00 -
Bed of Nails: The Story of the Amazing Blondini
$55.00 -
Salon de Magie, the Klosterman Collection Part II
$55.00 -
Showmanship for Magicians
$55.00 -
Vis a Vis
$55.00 -
Fran and Me
$55.00 -
Salon de Magie, the Klosterman Collection Part I
$55.00 -
Chung Ling Soo: the Man Behind the Legend! (Signed)
$55.00 -
Memoirs of a Physician
$55.00 -
Magic and Magicians: A Short History of Magic
$55.00 -
Card Tricks with Apparatus
$55.00 -
Chemical Magic
$55.00 -
Latter Day Tricks
$55.00 -
Solomon's Secrets
$55.00 -
Empress Magic Coin
$55.00 -
Empress Magic Coin, Trick Coin
$55.00 -
Best and Co. Liliputian Bazaar
$55.00 -
100 Years of Magic Posters, Signed
$55.00 -
Set of Vintage Dice, Crooked "Tops" and "Fronts"
$55.00 -
Latter Day Tricks
$55.00 -
The Case of Patience Worth
$55.00 -
The Boy's Book of Science
$55.00 -
Alhambra, Leicester Square
$55.00 -
Court of Pye Powder Engraving
$55.00 -
More Magic
$52.00 -
Simon Says!: The Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell
$50.00 -
P & L Vanishing Wand (Metal Tips)
$50.00 -
P & L Vanishing Wand (White Tips)
$50.00 -
Dunninger's Brain Busters