Products by " "
Foo Can
$80.00 -
Cagliostro: A Sorcerer of the Eighteenth Century
$80.00 -
Sorcar Signed Japanese Souvenir Program
$80.00 -
Tanner Tube (Coin Penetration)
$80.00 -
$80.00 -
Card Tricks: How to Do Them, and Slight of Hand
$80.00 -
Don Alan Style Mini Chop Cup
$80.00 -
Secrets of a "Puerto Rican Gambler"
$80.00 -
Merv Taylor Foo Can
$80.00 -
Festivals, Games, and Amusements: Ancient and Modern
$80.00 -
The Secrets of Mahatma Land Explained
$80.00 -
Encore Laser
$80.00$125.00 -
Sotheby's Catalogue of the J. B. Findlay Collection, Part III: Posters and Playbills
$80.00 -
Das Universum Der Magie
$80.00 -
Festivals, Games and Amusements: Ancient and Modern
$80.00 -
Behind the Scenes with the Mediums
$80.00 -
Indoor Games and Recreations
$80.00 -
Letters on Natural Magic
$80.00 -
Brewster's Letters on Natural Magic
$80.00 -
$80.00 -
Discoveries and Inventions of the Nineteenth Century
$80.00 -
Decorative Transfer Plate: Cups and Balls (Sarreguemines)
$80.00 -
Cassell's Book of Indoor Amusements....
$80.00 -
The Magical Entertainer
$80.00 -
Exquisite Conjuring
$80.00 -
Valentine Vox
$80.00 -
Natural Philosophy
$80.00 -
“Invocation Art” Limited Edition Prints
$75.00 -
Birch, Master Magician and Company Poster
$75.00 -
Miniature Die Box
$75.00 -
The Man Who Was Erdnase
$75.00 -
P & L Passe Passe Bottles
$75.00 -
St. George's Hall: Behind the Scenes at England's Home of Mystery (Inscribed and Signed)
$75.00 -
Twenty-One Cent Trick
$75.00 -
Dushek Magic Series No. 1: Dushek's Thumb Tip Magic
$75.00 -
Tricks with Coins
$75.00 -
Secrets of My Magic
$75.00 -
Professional Card Magic
$75.00 -
John Ramsay's Cylinder and Coins
$75.00 -
P & L Passe Passe Bottles
$75.00 -
Ultra Card Riser
$75.00 -
Visconti Sforza Tarocchi Deck
$75.00 -
The Egyptian Tarot Deck
$75.00 -
Ibis Tarot Deck
$75.00 -
Vanishing Candle
$75.00 -
"Yoghi" Beheading Novelty
$75.00 -
Card Finesse
$75.00 -
The Book, or Don't Forget to Point
$75.00 -
Sawa's Library of Magic, Volume One
$75.00 -
The Enchanted Boundary
$75.00 -
Gambling and Gambling Devices
$75.00 -
On the Other Side of the Footlights
$75.00 -
Sleightly Absurd
$75.00 -
Coke - Coke - Coke
$75.00 -
Steranko on Cards, Volume One
$75.00 -
Practical Ventriloquism
$75.00 -
Pure Gold
$75.00 -
The Oldest Deception
$75.00 -
Struggles and Triumphs; or, Forty Years' Recollections of P. T. Barnum
$75.00 -
Chess Novelties
$75.00 -
TW's GM, The Great Sorcar
$75.00 -
A Magician in Many Lands
$75.00 -
Willard: A Life Under Canvas
$75.00 -
Buffalo Novelty Bazaar: Dice, Card and Novelty Catalog
$75.00 -
Hills Bros. Catalog No. 42
$75.00 -
Topper's Mad, Mad, Magic
$75.00 -
Fourth Collectors Annual
$75.00 -
Magician's Manual
$75.00 -
Magician's Manual
$75.00 -
Selected Patience Games
$75.00 -
Heroes of Magic
$75.00 -
Miniature Brass Cups and Balls
$75.00 -
Ireland Magic Co. Catalogs
$75.00 -
The Historians' Guide to Conjuring (Redux) Number One (Inscribed and Sgined)
$75.00 -
Houdini and Conan Doyle
$75.00 -
Magical Masterpieces
$75.00 -
Impromptu Trixter, Vol. 1 No. 1
$75.00 -
Cardini, R.K.O. Proctor's 86th Street Theatre Program
$75.00 -
Candle Tube
$75.00 -
Cassell's Book of Indoor Amusements, Card Games and Fireside Fun
$75.00 -
Bobby Benson's Game Circus Cards and Instructions
$75.00 -
What Shall We Do To-Night? Or Social Amusements for Evening Parties
$75.00 -
John Calvert: Magic and Adventures Around the World, Signed
$75.00 -
The Book of Modern Conjuring
$75.00 -
Maskelynes Theatre of Mystery
$75.00 -
Memory Night of Society of Osiris Magicians
$75.00 -
The Wonders of Science; or, Young Humphry Davy
$75.00 -
The Magic of Riedel (Signed)
$75.00 -
Twenty Years of Spoof & Bluff
$75.00 -
Jacke Jugeler
$75.00 -
Science in Sport Made Philosophy in Earnest
$75.00 -
Avec un Jeu Emprunte (Lend Me Your Pack)
$75.00 -
Tours Faciles d'Escamotage
$75.00 -
Les Calculateurs Prodiges
$75.00 -
Beaucaire Market Engraving
$75.00 -
100 (Hundert) Schnurrpfeifereien
$75.00 -
The Elements of Hypnotism
$75.00 -
Der Tausendkunstler
$75.00 -
The Law of Mentalism
$75.00 -
Zwischen Schaubuden und Karussells
$75.00 -
Impromptu Trixter, Vol. 1 No. 1, Complete File
$75.00 -
Magical Nights at the Theatre
$75.00 -
Before the Foot Lights and Behind the Scenes
$75.00 -
Decorative Transfer Plate: Cups and Balls (Sarreguemines)
$75.00 -
Carlo Bosko's Zauber-Cabinet, oder: Das Ganze der Taschenspielerkunst
$75.00 -
Great Magicians in Great Moments
$75.00 -
Carl Rosini Photograph
$75.00 -
Boy's Own Book
$75.00 -
Cyclopaedic Science Simplified
$75.00 -
Home Arts for Old and Young
$75.00 -
Houdini, His Life Story Prospectus
$75.00 -
The Art of Memory
$75.00 -
L. Raymond Cox "Ace Magician" Window Card
$75.00 -
Purvis: The Newcastle Conjuror (Signed)
$72.00 -
Marvels of Invention and Scientific Puzzles
$72.00 -
How to Amuse an Evening Party
$72.00 -
The Life and Times of the Great Lafayette
$70.00 -
Levante: His Life, No Illusion
$70.00 -
Al Schneider Magic
$70.00 -