Products by " "
The Young Wizard (Signed)
$115.00 -
The Expert at the Card Table
$115.00 -
Higher Magic
$115.00 -
Le Sourcier Moderne: Manuel de l'Operateur a la Baguette et au Pendule
$115.00 -
The Devil's Picture Books: A History of Playing Cards
$115.00 -
Vintage Ball Vase
$115.00 -
The Magic of J. N. Hofzinser
$115.00 -
Inside the Medium's Cabinet
$115.00 -
Dix Seances d'Illusionnisme
$115.00 -
The Great Merlini
$115.00 -
Carteles de Magia
$115.00 -
Tours de Physique Amusante
$115.00 -
History of Conjuring and Magic
$115.00 -
Higher Magic
$115.00 -
Wrestler & Automaton Engraving
$115.00 -
Some Rare Old Books on Conjuring and Magic
$110.00 -
Double Block Release
$110.00 -
Irving the Magician Poster
$110.00 -
Memoria Technica; or, a New Method of Artificial Memory
$110.00 -
Letters on Natural Magic
$110.00 -
Packet Switches (Signed)
$110.00 -
The Hypnotic Eye
$110.00 -
Behind the Scenes with the Mediums
$105.00 -
Festivals, Games, and Amusements
$105.00 -
$100.00 -
Thurston Good Luck Button Pin
$100.00 -
Bob Ostin: "A Lifetime of Magical Inventions"
$100.00 -
P & L Chick Pan
$100.00 -
The Uncanny Scot, Ron Wilson
$100.00 -
The Davenport Story, Volume One
$100.00 -
The Davenport Story, Volume Two
$100.00 -
Twin Phantom
$100.00 -
Bunco Squad Poster
$100.00 -
Later Magic
$100.00 -
Elliott's Last Legacy: Secrets of the King of All Kard Kings
$100.00 -
Eugene Burger: Final Secrets
$100.00 -
Rings-N-Things Slim Wand
$100.00 -
The Witches Tarot Deck
$100.00 -
Anthony Dunn "Collage of Magicians" Magicians Poster
$100.00 -
The Open Book
$100.00 -
Gambling Exposed
$100.00 -
Around the World with a Magician and a Juggler
$100.00 -
Third Annual I. B. M. Convention Souvenir Program
$100.00 -
Syzygy, Volume 1-5
$100.00 -
Isis and Beyond: The Biography of Cecil E. Nixon
$100.00 -
The Magic of Tenkai
$100.00 -
Folding Money Fooling
$100.00 -
The Brema Brasses (Signed)
$100.00 -
A Short Title Check List of Conjuring Periodicals in English (Inscribed and Signed)
$100.00 -
Ring of Cinimod, Deluxe Model
$100.00 -
The Murder of Wm. Weare
$100.00 -
Money Cups (Wooden Cups)
$100.00 -
The Nixon Manuscript in Book Form, Deluxe Edition (Inscribed and Signed)
$100.00 -
Great Ultra Handkerchief Change
$100.00 -
Sharps and Flats
$100.00 -
Les Morts Vivent-ils?
$100.00 -
The Ten New Tricks Series, Number One to Five
$100.00 -
Pass the Salt
$100.00 -
Fireside Amusements
$100.00 -
The Boy's Own Conjuring Book
$100.00 -
E.J.'s Coin Flite
$100.00 -
The Amazing Miracles of Shigeo Takagi
$100.00 -
Sucker Sliding Card Frame
$100.00 -
Crackle Finish Phantom Tube
$100.00 -
King Bros. Circus Letterheads
$100.00 -
The Old and the New Magic
$100.00 -
Antique Gaming Counter
$100.00 -
The Great Raymond Scarborough Broadside
$100.00 -
Golden Shells
$100.00 -
P & L Rice Bowls
$100.00 -
Donald Holmes Lota Vase
$100.00 -
The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist
$100.00 -
Six Shot Lota
$100.00 -
The Blackstone Book of Magic & Illusion (Inscribed and Signed)
$100.00 -
Isn't It Wonderful?: A History of Magic and Mystery
$100.00 -
History of Conjuring and Magic
$100.00 -
Twenty Years of Spoof & Bluff
$100.00 -
Seminole Manufacturing Company Special List No. 14
$100.00 -
Carter the Great Advertisement
$100.00 -
Jack Hughes: World of Magic Volume One (No Dust Jacket)
$100.00 -
P & L Comedy Passe Passe Bottles
$100.00 -
Adventures in Magic
$100.00 -
A Modern Mystery Merchant
$100.00 -
Macy's Book of Sports and Pastimes
$100.00 -
The Book of Conjuring and Card Tricks
$100.00 -
Conjuring; or, Magic Made Easy
$100.00 -
Promenades Amusantes a Travers La Science
$100.00 -
Petit Manual de Tours de Physique
$100.00 -
Les Secrets de la Prestidigitation
$100.00 -
Tours d'Escamotage
$100.00 -
What Shall We Do To Night?
$100.00 -
Les Excentricites du Langage
$100.00 -
Hoyle's Games Modernized
$100.00 -
Das Buch der Kartenkunste
$100.00 -
Taikurin Kirja
$100.00 -
Prince Albert Cigarettes Set of Six
$100.00 -
Popular Scientific Recreations
$100.00 -
$100.00 -
The Little Boy's Own Book
$100.00 -
Social Amusements
$100.00 -
Exquisite Conjuring
$100.00 -
New and Original Magic
$100.00 -
Ninth Collectors Annual
$100.00 -
The Bibliography of Conjuring And Kindred Deceptions
$100.00 -
Indoor Sports
$100.00 -
P & L Spirit Change Bag
$95.00 -
The Annals of Conjuring
$95.00 -
Nuits d'Europe (European Nights) Movie Poster
$95.00 -
P & L Coin Tray
$95.00 -
The Magic Mirror
$95.00 -
Die Mysterien des Orients und Magische Phanomene - 2. Teil
$95.00 -
The Harbin Book
$95.00 -
The Great Illusions of Magic, Text and Plans
$95.00 -
Fifty Years in the Magic Circle
$95.00 -
Slydini Encores
$95.00 -
Revelations of a Spirit Medium
$95.00 -
The Encyclopedia of Mentalism and Allied Arts (Inscribed and Signed)
$95.00 -
Andrus Card Control Vol. 1 & 2 (Inscribed and Signed)
$95.00 -
Mysterious Gravitation
$95.00 -
The Dramatic Art of Magic (Inscribed and Signed)