Products by " "
A History of the Art of Magic
$175.00 -
Dick's One Hundred Amusements for Evening Parties, Picnics and Social Gatherings
$175.00 -
Creations Magiques d'un Prestidigitateur Moderne
$175.00 -
Acrobatic Troupe Print
$175.00 -
Rezvanimagie (Inscribed and Signed)
$175.00 -
Magic: Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions
$175.00 -
Routledge's Every Boy's Annual
$175.00 -
I Can See Your Lips Moving: The History and Art of Ventriloquism (Signed)
$175.00 -
Isn't It Wonderful?: A History of Magic and History
$175.00 -
John Ramsay's Triple Restoration (Signed)
$175.00 -
P & L Silk Vanishing Wand
$175.00 -
The Supernatural?
$175.00 -
The Expositor (Deluxe Edition)
$175.00 -
Opus Thirteen
$175.00 -
Houdini's Paper Magic
$175.00 -
Curiosities of London
$175.00 -
Le Magicien Amateur
$175.00 -
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England
$175.00 -
Les Recreations Scientifiques
$175.00 -
Fregoli, Eldorado (Quadro II) Postcard
$175.00 -
Juego de Prendas y de Salon
$175.00 -
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England
$175.00 -
The Boy's Own Treasury of Sports and Pastimes
$175.00 -
Curiosities of Human Nature
$175.00 -
The Boy's Playbook of Science
$165.00 -
Astor Mental
$165.00 -
La Voyante
$165.00 -
The Boy's Playbook of Science
$165.00 -
The Magician's Instructor
$165.00 -
Cards And Card Tricks
$165.00 -
Thought Control Wallet
$155.00 -
Merv Taylor Flash Houlette
$150.00 -
Magical Heroes (Inscribed and Signed)
$150.00 -
P & L Dove Pan
$150.00 -
Passe Passe Bottles
$150.00 -
Barclay's Dictionary, Word Gamester Engraving
$150.00 -
The Secret Out
$150.00 -
The Old and New Magic
$150.00 -
The Book of 500 Curious Puzzles
$150.00 -
Tim Star Master Chop Cup
$150.00 -
The Great Levante, Steel Trunk Mystery Poster
$150.00 -
Paul Gertner's Steel and Silver (Inscribed and Signed)
$150.00 -
Star Master Chop Cup
$150.00 -
Gogia Pasha 1954 Calendar Poster
$150.00 -
New Era Card Tricks
$150.00 -
5" Klingl Linking Rings
$150.00 -
Meister Der Zauberkunst
$150.00 -
First Annual I. B. M. Convention Souvenir Program
$150.00 -
The Bar Cup
$150.00 -
The Art of Magic
$150.00 -
The Society of American Magicians New York Plate
$150.00 -
Fraidy Cat Rabbit
$150.00 -
Circus Life and Circus Celebrities
$150.00 -
Non-Locking Bill Tube
$150.00 -
Ponsin on Conjuring
$150.00 -
Life of Robert Houdin, the King of the Conjurers
$150.00 -
Anderson and His Theatre
$150.00 -
Dai Vernon's Symphony of the Rings (Inscribed and Signed)
$150.00 -
The Feints and Temps of Harry Riser
$150.00 -
Thought Control Wallet
$150.00 -
Easy Magic with Patter
$150.00 -
The Magic of Rezvani (La Magie du Sorcier)
$150.00 -
Risque Dancer Souvenir Pocket Mirror
$150.00 -
Stanyon's Twentieth Century Original and Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue
$150.00 -
Magic and Its Professors
$150.00 -
Sorcar on Magic
$150.00 -
Magie Fin de Siecle
$150.00 -
Collections of Gilbert Ephemera
$150.00 -
Jumbo Ultissimo
$150.00 -
Das Universum der Magie
$150.00 -
Parlour Magic
$150.00 -
Hornmann Magic Company, 20th Century Wonders
$150.00 -
John G. Hauff, Stage Illusions
$150.00 -
Sleight of Hand
$150.00 -
A Man with a Raree-Show
$150.00 -
A Balancer
$150.00 -
A Puppet-Show
$150.00 -
Le Jeu de Carte
$150.00 -
Mysto Magic Exhibition Set
$150.00 -
Himber Cup O Plenty
$150.00 -
Block Go
$150.00 -
Drop Model Production Box
$150.00 -
Master Chop Cup
$150.00 -
P & L Comedy Passe Passe Bottles
$150.00 -
P & L Ultralite Flashlight (No Lens)
$150.00 -
Non-Locking Bill Tube
$150.00 -
The Boy's Own Book
$150.00 -
Frauds of America, or Beware of Shams
$150.00 -
The Napoleon Myth
$150.00 -
Cagliostro: A Sorcerer of the Eighteenth Century.
$150.00 -
Henry Hardin's Memorandum of Magic
$150.00 -
Parlour Magic
$150.00 -
Automatic Fire Tube
$150.00 -
Reynolds and Sons Playing Cards Clipped Wrapper
$150.00 -
Philosophy in Sport
$150.00 -
Ponsin on Conjuring
$150.00 -
Sensational Tales of Mystery Men
$150.00 -
Magische Phanomene
$150.00 -
Manuel Pratique d'Illusionnisme et de Prestidigitation
$150.00 -
The New Cabinet of Arts
$150.00 -
Houdini and Conan Doyle
$150.00 -
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England
$150.00 -
Fu Manchu Broadside
$150.00 -
The Sociable
$145.00 -
T'Ang Dynasty Chest
$145.00 -
Stanley Collins: Society Entertainer & Magic Collector
$145.00 -
Magic Artistry
$145.00 -
Great Magicians' Tricks
$145.00 -
$140.00 -
Annemann’s Enigma
$140.00 -
Cardini: The Suave Deceiver
$140.00 -
Bessie, the "Elusive" Cow - Improved Block Cord
$140.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 25-No. 32
$140.00 -
Take Apart Dove Vanish
$135.00 -
Performance on Trial (Signed)
$135.00 -
Des Sciences Occultes Vols. 1-2
$135.00 -
Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair
$135.00 -
Fifty Years in the Magic Circle
$135.00 -
The Expert at the Card Table
$135.00 -
True & Co. Catalogue Brocure