Products by " "
Sam's: An Encyclopedia of the Magic of Sam Schwartz Volume One
$45.00 -
Amateur Amusements
$45.00 -
Parley's Magazine, Part XXIX
$45.00 -
Magic Collection Miscellanea
$45.00 -
The Conjurer's Vade-Mecum
$45.00 -
Selected Patience Games
$45.00 -
Le Charivari, Cups and Balls Illustration
$45.00 -
Magic Box by Viennamagic
$45.00 -
Artistik: Auswahl-Bibliographie
$45.00 -
Two Magic Convention Photographs
$45.00 -
The Magic Circle Catalogue of the Reference and Lending Library
$45.00 -
Magic in Theory
$45.00 -
John Mulholland's Story of Magic
$45.00 -
Vintage Crooked Dice, Double-style "Tops" (5/8)
$45.00 -
Vintage Crooked Dice, Double-style "Tops" (9/16)
$45.00 -
Evening Amusements
$45.00 -
Tricks that Mystify: Sleights and Tricks, Book Two
$45.00 -
The Magic Menu, The First Five Years
$45.00 -
The Fine Art of Hocus Pocus
$45.00 -
Boy's Useful Pastimes
$45.00 -
Games, Pastimes, and Amusements
$45.00 -
The Ganson Book
$45.00 -
The Art of Ventriloquism
$45.00 -
Jon Allen's Paragon 3D
$42.00 -
Hardeen Jr. "Houdini Lives Again" Window Card
$42.00 -
Mental Magic
$42.00 -
$42.00 -
Ickle Pickle Miniature Chop Cup
$42.00 -
MaGuire & Risley's Japanese Troupe, Harper's Weekly
$42.00 -
Creative World of Conjuring
$42.00 -
Playing Cards: The History and Secrets of the Pack
$42.00 -
The Pegasus Book of Magicians
$42.00 -
Poker: A Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advanced Concepts of Poker
$42.00 -
Getting Rich Quick
$42.00 -
Some More Exquisite Conjuring, Vol. II
$42.00 -
The Book of Exquisite Conjuring Vol. I
$42.00 -
Tricks for Amateurs of Both Sexes
$42.00 -
Jumbo Card Manipulation
$42.00 -
Temple Theater, Detroit
$42.00 -
The Ireland Year Book for 1951-1960
$40.00 -
My Magic Husband: Howard Thurston Unmasked
$40.00 -
A Text-Book of Magic
$40.00 -
Lessons in Conjuring
$40.00 -
Glenn Gravatt's Treasure Trove of Tricks
$40.00 -
The Performance of Close-Up Magic
$40.00 -
The Xultun Tarot Deck
$40.00 -
Robert Macaire Magnetizer (Hypnotist)
$40.00 -
Three Way Card Prediction
$40.00 -
Hercat's Latest Sleights
$40.00 -
Nielsen's Vanishing Bottle (Budweiser)
$40.00 -
Dai Vernon's Inner Secrets of Card Magic, Part One
$40.00 -
Charakterisches Buhnenbild Decorative Porcelain Mug
$40.00 -
Illusion Builder to Fu-Manchu (David Bamberg)
$40.00 -
Collection of I. B. M. Convention Programs
$40.00 -
Collection of the Society of Amrican Magicians Conference Programs
$40.00 -
$40.00 -
The John Booth Classics (Inscribed and Signed)
$40.00 -
Flipper Coin Routine
$40.00 -
Close-Up and Personal (Inscribed and Signed)
$40.00 -
$40.00 -
Double Vision
$40.00 -
Carl S. Lohrey Magic Catalog
$40.00 -
Fabulous Destinations (Signed)
$40.00 -
La Corde Magique
$40.00 -
Psychic Science Series, No. 6: Spiritualism
$40.00 -
Modus Operandi, Part One and Part Two
$40.00 -
The Sahara Casket
$40.00 -
Do It Again Magic Tricks: A Complete Magic Kit in a Book
$40.00 -
Forging Ahead in Magic (Inscribed and Signed)
$40.00 -
Will Goldston's Who's Who in Magic
$40.00 -
It's Easier than You Think (Signed)
$40.00 -
Al Baker's Travelling Pencils
$40.00 -
The Testament of Ralph W. Hull
$40.00 -
Ventriloquism as a Hobby
$40.00 -
Up His Sleeve
$40.00 -
Dai Vernon's Select Secrets
$40.00 -
$40.00 -
Mediums Fakirs et Prestidigitateurs
$40.00 -
Screw Off Nut
$40.00 -
Okito's Famous "Vanishing Life Saver"
$40.00 -
100 Tricks Which You Can Do
$40.00 -
Puzzlers' Tribute: A Feast for the Mind
$40.00 -
Will Goldston's Easy Road to Magic
$40.00 -
Giant Brainwave Deck
$40.00 -
More Card Manipulations Vol. I-IV
$40.00 -
The Pearson Puzzle Book
$40.00 -
A Real Miracle: Special Issue, The Two Novras
$40.00 -
Mind Scan 2
$40.00 -
Richard's Almanac One
$40.00 -
Sorcar in USSR
$40.00 -
The Roy Johnson Experience (Inscribed and Signed)
$40.00 -
A-B-C Blocko
$40.00 -
Foo Cup
$40.00 -
Jinx Program No. 1-5
$40.00 -
Jester and His Marotte, Harper's Weekly
$40.00 -
The Centennial Exposition, Harper's Weekly
$40.00 -
The Magic Mirror, the Illustrated London News
$40.00 -
Kurious Kards (Signed)
$40.00 -
Five Dollar Trix (Signed)
$40.00 -
The Topit Book
$40.00 -
$40.00 -
The World's Pictorial Sports and Pastimes
$40.00 -
Bartl Floating Ball
$40.00 -
Hold'em Magic
$40.00 -
P. T. Barnum Article in the Illustrated London News
$40.00 -
Jester, the Illustrated London News
$40.00 -
Ron Frost's Card Miracles: After the Force
$40.00 -
Phil Temple Printers Proofs Posters
$40.00 -
Exceptional Concepts
$40.00 -
The Circus Parade March-Two Step Sheet Music
$40.00 -
Hard-Boiled Mysteries
$40.00 -
Great Magicians of the Past
$40.00 -
Lloyd Hathaway Adverts
$40.00 -
Tony Marks, Aristocrat of Deception (Inscribed and Signed)
$40.00 -
Haden's Undernail Writer
$40.00 -
Mysto Magic Die Box
$40.00 -
Talks for Tricks
$40.00 -
Harry Houdini Noffke Baby Photograph
$40.00 -
Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium (1920)
$40.00 -
Risque Playing Cards