Allied Arts
Recreations Chimiques, Vol. 1
$200.00 -
The Child's Guide
$12.00 -
Natural Magic
$40.00 -
The Masters
$45.00 -
Das Universum Der Magie
$80.00 -
Wonderen Der Chemie
$38.00 -
Chance and Luck
$65.00 -
How to Become a Supreme Magician
$25.00 -
Dove Pan-Orama
$12.00 -
The Birthday Party Business
$10.00 -
The Lilliputians
$15.00 -
The Aimwell Stories, Marcus; or, The Boy-Tamer
$50.00 -
Parade Acts & Walkarounds that Work
$8.00 -
Indoor Pastimes
$22.00 -
Cagliostro: A Sorcerer of the Eighteenth Century.
$150.00 -
Stand-Up Comedy: The Book
$8.00 -
Parlor Games and Parties for Young and Old
$15.00 -
Legends of the World
$8.00 -
Kwickfire Klassics of Komedy
$15.00 -
The Big Buck in Magic
$18.00 -
Funny Talk for Magicians
$150.00 -
The Encyclopedia of Collectibles
$12.00 -
The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart
$12.00 -
Curiosities of London
$175.00 -
What Shall We Do To-Night? Or Social Amusements for Evening Parties
$75.00 -
New Gipsy Dream Book and Fortune Teller
$20.00 -
Great Scandals of Cheating at Cards
$20.00 -
The Boy's Own Book
$325.00 -
Homemade Games
$22.00 -
The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester
$250.00 -
The Hard Knocker's Luck
$12.00 -
Money from Entertaining
$25.00 -
Rummy that Noble Game Expounded in Prose, Poetry Diagram and Engraving
$25.00 -
Macy's Book of Sports and Pastimes
$100.00 -
Timbas, Chirlatas y Casinos
$300.00 -
Nuevo Manual de Juegos
$95.00 -
Scientific Mysteries
$95.00 -
Practical Ventriloquism
$35.00 -
The Adventures of a Boy Magician
$60.00 -
Hoyle's Games Modernized
$125.00 -
How to Make Your Daydreams Come True
$12.00 -
Memoirs of a Midget
$30.00 -
The Clairvoyant
$22.00 -
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England
$175.00 -
Endless Amusement
$200.00 -
Antwerp at a Late Hour
$15.00 -
Occasionally from C. M. S. Jr. No. 7
$18.00 -
Balbo: The Boy Magician
$16.00 -
The Society of the Imps
$30.00 -
Parlour Magic
$150.00 -
Webster's Book of Mystery
$40.00 -
Recreations Physiques
$50.00 -
Amusemens Philologiques, ou Varietes en Tous Genres
$200.00 -
Jacke Jugeler
$75.00 -
Les Pupazzi Noirs
$125.00 -
Psychologie de l'Attention
$85.00 -
Mythologie Raisonee
$200.00 -
The Parent's Cabinet of Amusement and Instruction
$50.00 -
Marveilles de la Force et de l'Adresse
$60.00 -
Science in Sport Made Philosophy in Earnest
$75.00 -
Les Excentricites du Langage
$100.00 -
What Shall We Do To Night?
$100.00 -
Mnemonika, or the Tablet of Memory
$120.00 -
The Oracle of the Arts
$500.00 -
Genii: The International Conjuror's Magazine
$8.00 -
Yar, The Primeval Man and Mysterious Mr. Yu
$25.00 -
Les Calculateurs Prodiges
$75.00 -
Cagliostro: A Sorcerer of the Eighteenth Century.
$200.00 -
Beyond Beyond Beyond: The Morrow of Life
$18.00 -
Curiosities for the Ingenious
$250.00 -
'Rithmetic of the Purest Kind
$22.00 -
Onomatologia Curiosa Artificiosa et Magica
$400.00 -
Asbury's Secret of Ventriloquism
$28.00 -
The Whole Art of Legerdemain
$200.00 -
Philosophy in Sport
$150.00 -
The Boy's Book of Science
$125.00 -
The Humors of the Fair
$50.00 -
Traite de Sensations, Vols. I-II
$1,100.00 -
$125.00 -
How to Read Faster
$45.00 -
Les Bandes Noires
$25.00 -
Rag Picture Shows
$12.00 -
Millroy the Magician
$12.00 -
Fun Puzzles Riddles
$15.00 -
Riddles For Fun
$10.00 -
$10.00 -
Rational Amusement For Winter Evenings
$275.00 -
De Humana Physiognomonia
$1,200.00 -
Hallucinations and Illusions
$50.00 -
Il Cacolo Senza Cifre Ossia Nuovo Metodo di fare La Moltiplicazione e La Divisione
$200.00 -
Society of American Magicians
$20.00 -
Enganos A Ojos Vistas Y Diversion de Trabajos Mundanos
$15.00 -
Gavin Jerome's Comedy College How-To-Handbook
$10.00 -
Visual Explanations
$20.00 -
The Wonderland of Music Boxes and Automata
$85.00 -
Mathematical Recreations
$15.00 -
Magic and Make-Believe
$15.00 -
Juego de Prendas y de Salon
$175.00 -
Arte Magica Annichilata. Libri Tre. Con Un' Appendice
$500.00 -
The Joke Teller's Handbook
$12.00 -
Arts Treasury; or, a Profitable and Pleasing Invitation to the Lovers of Ingenuity
$950.00 -
Manuel Des Sorciers
$400.00 -
Hobby Magic
$40.00 -
Verschniedenes zum Unterricht un zur Unterhaltung
$700.00 -
Select Amusements
$1,200.00 -
$300.00 -
Briefe uber Die Naturliche Magie
$400.00 -
Magie fur Gesellschaftliches Vergnugen
$300.00 -
Les Mille et Un Amusements de Societe
$235.00 -
Codicille de Jerome Sharp
$600.00 -
Turn Out the Stars Before Leaving
$12.00 -
Stars: A Celestial Auction of Antique Dolls, Vols. I - II
$50.00 -
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England
$175.00 -
Fables of Mr. John Gay with an Italian Translation
$185.00 -
Shams, or Uncle Ben's Experience with Hypocrites
$45.00 -
Seeing Stars
$25.00 -
Endless Amusement
$325.00 -
The Amateur Performer
$19.00 -
Recollections of Robert-Houdin
$75.00 -
The Boy's Own Treasury of Sports and Pastimes