Introducing Frye, Famous American Magician Advertisement
$20.00 -
Larry Hess Advertisement
$20.00 -
Professor Okati Advertisement
$40.00 -
Irving The Magician and Company Show No. 3
$12.00 -
Harlan Tarbell's Mysteries of the East
$22.00 -
Clinton Burgess Advertisement
$22.00 -
Smarlinghue "The Great" Magician and Illusionist
$25.00 -
Selvin the Master Magician and Company
$15.00 -
Sir Felix Korim: 16th Annual Magi-Fest
$15.00 -
Wilfred Tyler Advertisement, Inscribed and Signed
$22.00 -
Fredrik The Great at Converse Theatre
$75.00 -
The Watch Manipulation Act or Watch It!
$15.00 -
Big Stage Show Advertisement
$12.00 -
Siegfried and Roy Advertisement
$10.00 -
The Amazing Mr. Rooklyn Souvenir Booklet
$22.00 -
American Museum of Magic Brochure
$12.00 -
Irving The Magician and Company Show No. 7
$12.00 -
Russell Walsh Flyer
$15.00 -
Raymond The Prince of Magicians
$12.00 -
Photograph of Chung Ling Soo Advertisement
$15.00 -
Magno's Good News
$12.00 -
Circo Vertti Advertisement
$22.00 -
The Houdini Magical Hall of Fame Booklet
$25.00 -
Hill Magical Co. Flyer
$22.00 -
Mofo Knows: Penn & Teller Newsletter
$30.00 -
Sir Felix Korim Advertisement
$15.00 -
Ultra Magical Review 1937
$22.00 -
General Cigar Hall of Magic Featuring Mark Wilson
$15.00 -
Little Johnny Jones Presenting Sophisticated Conjuring
$22.00 -
Mahan the Magician Presenting Houdini's Mysteries
$22.00 -
The Karnaks Flyer
$22.00 -
Green's Spook and Ghost Show Advertisement
$125.00 -
Bobo the Magician Advertisement
$12.00 -
John Calvert Book Order Forms
$22.00 -
Lloyd E. Jones 1957 Calendar
$12.00 -
Refined Vaudeville: Cambridge Summer Theatre
$20.00 -
Aurora Zouaves Holiday Booklet
$12.00 -
27th Annual Convention, International Brotherhood of Magicians Advertisement
$12.00 -
Magic in Movies, Three Flyers
$25.00 -
Ultra Magical Review
$25.00 -
The Magical Melange Advertisement
$30.00 -
Blackstone Show Receipts
$40.00 -
Edwell's Six Greatest Card Tricks
$8.00 -
Press Sheet of Lightner the Wizard & Company
$8.00 -
Big Magic Show and Gorge-Us Dinner!
$8.00 -
Big Magical Show! at the Auditorium
$8.00 -
Tupy Magician Playbill
$20.00 -
Society of American Magicians Window Card
$18.00 -
1951 Convention Badges
$20.00 -
Hartman and Co., Mystifiers with a Big New Show
$18.00 -
Aballo, Magical Marvels
$18.00 -
Vaudeville: Ray Hartman and Co.
$25.00 -
Temple Theatre Presenting Lesta
$15.00 -
Greystroke Advert, Signed
$40.00 -
Virgil Premier International Illusionist Complimentary Ticket
$12.00 -
The Great Virgil Complimentary Ticket
$15.00 -
Virgil and Julie Advertisement Printing Mats
$35.00 -
Virgil and Julie, One Fantastic Night Tickets
$18.00 -
National Conjurers Association Application for Membership
$18.00 -
Lesta: World Traveler and Magician Advert
$22.00 -
Tonight: Onal the Great
$18.00 -
Gwynne, On the Stage! Advert
$18.00 -
Parlor Magic Made Easy
$50.00 -
Hotel Greeters Guide, Jackie Coogan
$18.00 -
Souvenir of Ed Miller's Museum of Magic
$12.00 -
Frederick W. Dunworth Folded Advert
$22.00 -
Boston Blackie and the Law Advert
$30.00 -
Aurora Zouaves Ephemera
$125.00 -
Dante: 50 Tricks for Everybody
$20.00 -
Karrell Fox Advert
$30.00 -
The Kaiser Decapitated
$22.00 -
Paul Duke Advert, Signed
$35.00 -
The Great Nicola
$25.00 -
Dante: Tricks for Everybody, New Edition
$50.00 -
The Finn Press Blotter (Diminishing Cards)
$12.00 -
How Good is Your Memory?
$22.00 -
Raise 'Em Back Advertising Photo
$28.00 -
Jack Gwynne Advert
$30.00 -
23rd Annual Houdini Club Convention
$18.00 -
Percy Abbott Hosts 3 Big Variety Magic Shows
$25.00 -
How a Soldier Won with a Deck of Cards
$15.00 -
Will You Do Your Bit For This Worthy Magic Cause?
$18.00 -
P.C. Sorcar Gate Pass
$18.00 -
Zalano, Magician - Ventriloquist Advert
$18.00 -
Olaf T. Gylleck Advert
$15.00 -
Tommy Windsor Advert
$15.00 -
Book Sabar Advert
$15.00 -
Spinelli Circo Broadside
$50.00 -
The Great Virgil: World Famous Magician-Illusionist
$15.00 -
Waring the Magician Tissue Flag
$40.00 -
Unique Entertainment at Everett Hall
$125.00 -
The Great and Only Bellette
$95.00 -
Professor Kornman's Edimultiscophia
$75.00 -
Clinton Burgess Folded Advert
$22.00 -
Wagner, The Celebrated Cartoonist Advert
$22.00 -
The Drigg Family Entertainers Tickets
$18.00 -
Clinton Burgess Folded Advert
$22.00 -
The Magic World: Laurant and Company
$25.00 -
Cozooqua Series by Brush the Great
$50.00 -
Star Puzzle Card for Hood's Sarsaparilla
$15.00 -
Best and Co. Liliputian Bazaar
$55.00 -
Joseph Kolar Contract, The Wonderland Co.
$40.00 -
Becker, the Man of Mystery Advert
$18.00 -
Becker, the Man of Mystery Advert (1940s)
$15.00 -
Blackstone, Jr. Flyer
$10.00 -
Spooks Card
$15.00 -
Laurant and Company Advertisement
$20.00 -
John Calvert Magicarama Advertisement
$15.00 -
How to Mystify With Magic
$22.00 -
Submarine Advertisement
$20.00 -
Danar of the Magi
$45.00 -
Leon and Company Program
$40.00 -
Richard Wehmeyer Calendar
$12.00 -
George Cook Advertisement
$10.00 -
Ernest A. Carter Advertisement
$12.00 -
Pear's Soap Advertisement
$15.00 -
Thurston Presents Tampa Advertisement
$45.00 -
Rare Books and Manustript Thefts
$40.00 -
Frank Ducrot: The Wizard
$15.00 -
Gran Cinematografo Program