All Books
More Party Pieces
$12.00 -
Still More Party Pieces
$12.00 -
Silk King Studios
$20.00 -
Fast Ones
$10.00 -
Manipulating with Leech
$15.00 -
The Best of British
$12.00 -
Easy Card Magic
$18.00 -
Expert Manipulative Magic
$28.00 -
TNT, Twelve New Tricks
$15.00 -
"Ultra" Magical Effects
$35.00 -
Card Tricks
$30.00 -
The Magical Compere
$12.00 -
Close-Up Magic
$22.00 -
More Card Manipulations
$12.00 -
Card Manipulations, Series No. 4
$12.00 -
Curiosities for the Ingenious
$250.00 -
Tricks and Stunts with Playing Cards
$12.00 -
Beyond Beyond Beyond: The Morrow of Life
$18.00 -
'Rithmetic of the Purest Kind
$22.00 -
Onomatologia Curiosa Artificiosa et Magica
$400.00 -
Selected Patience Games
$45.00 -
The Pinochle Primer
$30.00 -
Book of Magic
$35.00 -
Asbury's Secret of Ventriloquism
$28.00 -
The Boy's Book of Science
$125.00 -
Philosophy in Sport
$150.00 -
The Whole Art of Legerdemain
$200.00 -
The Humors of the Fair
$50.00 -
The Illustrated Book of Patience Games
$65.00 -
Traite de Sensations, Vols. I-II
$1,100.00 -
$125.00 -
Ponsin on Conjuring
$150.00 -
How to Read Faster
$45.00 -
Faro Exposed
$50.00 -
Les Bandes Noires
$25.00 -
Elwell on Bridge
$30.00 -
The Monthly Review, For January, 1775
$70.00 -
Zoroaster The Magian Priest
$20.00 -
How to Mystify With Magic
$22.00 -
Master Key Systems
$12.00 -
Catalog of Selected Magic
$15.00 -
Scala News Vols. 2-6
$40.00 -
Card Table Artifice and Legerdemain
$20.00 -
Rag Picture Shows
$12.00 -
Ich Kann Zaubern
$25.00 -
Der Kartenkunstler
$25.00 -
$25.00 -
Kleine Zaubertricks Ganz Grob
$25.00 -
Das Buch der Kartenkunste
$100.00 -
Foire de Magie
$24.00 -
Millroy the Magician
$12.00 -
Tricks of To-Day
$30.00 -
Little Blue Book No. 847
$15.00 -
Little Blue Book No. 1023
$15.00 -
Little Blue Book No. 228
$15.00 -
Little Blue Book No. 1277
$15.00 -
$10.00 -
Riddles For Fun
$10.00 -
Fun Puzzles Riddles
$15.00 -
Whist and Duplicate Whist
$15.00 -
Chronicles of the Customs Department.
$40.00 -
Webster's Poker Book
$60.00 -
Rational Amusement For Winter Evenings
$275.00 -
De Humana Physiognomonia
$1,200.00 -
MacDougall on Dice and Cards
$15.00 -
Hallucinations and Illusions
$50.00 -
Oswald Jacoby on Poker
$10.00 -
Jacoby on Card Games
$10.00 -
Easy Card Tricks
$8.00 -
Les Secrets Des Tricheurs, Signed
$65.00 -
The Secret Life of Houdini
$20.00 -
Collecting Printed Ephemera
$30.00 -
Geheimnisse der Kartenkunst
$70.00 -
Magische Phanomene
$150.00 -
Letters on Natural Magic
$110.00 -
Il Cacolo Senza Cifre Ossia Nuovo Metodo di fare La Moltiplicazione e La Divisione
$200.00 -
Traite Complet des Tours de Cartes Anciens et Noveaux
$120.00 -
Higher Magic
$115.00 -
100 (Hundert) Schnurrpfeifereien
$75.00 -
Taikurin Kirja
$100.00 -
Society of American Magicians
$20.00 -
Enganos A Ojos Vistas Y Diversion de Trabajos Mundanos
$15.00 -
Der Tausendkunstler
$75.00 -
The Magic Circle Catalogue of the Reference and Lending Library
$45.00 -
Gavin Jerome's Comedy College How-To-Handbook
$10.00 -
The Cups: A Manual of Cups and Balls Magic
$8.00 -
$80.00 -
Visual Explanations
$20.00 -
The Law of Mentalism
$75.00 -
Packet Switches (Signed)
$110.00 -
Scriptum Erlesener Magie I
$18.00 -
Magic Book Club Catalogue No. 4
$18.00 -
"Gentleman Jim" Heuser Presents Another Lecture by Paul Diamond (Signed)
$15.00 -
Suggestion and Mental Analysis
$25.00 -
Sam's: An Encyclopedia of the Magic of Sam Schwartz
$40.00 -
Magic and Make-Believe
$15.00 -
Mathematical Recreations
$15.00 -
Playing Cards (Pleasures and Treasures Edition)
$25.00 -
The Wonderland of Music Boxes and Automata
$85.00 -
Magic by Hamleys
$30.00 -
The Ethics of Gambling
$25.00 -
The Devil's Picture-Books
$125.00 -
Arte Magica Annichilata. Libri Tre. Con Un' Appendice
$500.00 -
Juego de Prendas y de Salon
$175.00 -
Die Zauberkunst
$725.00 -
Magi Magoria: The Magic of the Magi
$25.00 -
Big Book of Magic for All Ages
$28.00 -
The Joke Teller's Handbook
$12.00 -
Uri Geller, Magician or Mystic?
$22.00 -
The Mask of Nostradamus
$25.00 -
Bibliotheca Magica et Pneumatica
$70.00 -
A Beginner's Book of Magic
$22.00 -
Manuel Pratique d'Illusionnisme et de Prestidigitation
$150.00 -
A Beginner's Book of Magic
$18.00 -
Profit at the Party
$23.00 -
Magic for Fun
$18.00 -
Arts Treasury; or, a Profitable and Pleasing Invitation to the Lovers of Ingenuity
$950.00 -
Recherches Historiques Sur Les Cartes a Jouer
$650.00 -
Tour de Cartes Faciles
$60.00 -
Manuel Des Sorciers