All Books
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England
$175.00 -
Endless Amusement
$200.00 -
Antwerp at a Late Hour
$15.00 -
History of Playing Cards
$45.00 -
Occasionally from C. M. S. Jr. No. 7
$18.00 -
The Wizard Watson, Signed
$22.00 -
Evening Amusements for Every One
$85.00 -
The History of Playing Cards
$18.00 -
Jerard K. Hartman Booklets
$100.00 -
Thimble Magic
$18.00 -
Heaney Magic Company: Catalogue No. 25
$25.00 -
Pithy Patter for the Parlor and the Professional Prestidigitator, Inscribed and Signed
$25.00 -
More of Berlands Exclusive Tricks, Inscribed and Signed
$45.00 -
More Card Manipulations, Series 1-4
$8.00 -
Heaney's Professional Catalog of Wonders, Catalog No. 24
$8.00 -
Practical Hypnotism
$8.00 -
The Trade Show Handbook
$12.00 -
Jack Miller's Famous Linking Ring Routine
$12.00 -
The Restaurant Worker's Handbook
$22.00 -
Hard-Boiled Mysteries
$30.00 -
Creative Magic
$25.00 -
Gardyloo, Inscribed and Signed
$15.00 -
Kevin James Lecture #1, Signed
$25.00 -
Funder Box Fooleries, Inscribed and Signed
$12.00 -
Squeakeasy, Inscribed and Signed
$25.00 -
Griff on Cards: Novel and Unusual Card Mysteries, Inscribed and Signed
$22.00 -
Berland's Amazing Tricks with Paper Cups, Signed
$22.00 -
Berland's Twenty Tricks with Wiztax, Signed
$22.00 -
The Sympathetic Silks
$15.00 -
Three Chinese Rings
$15.00 -
New Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue: Hornmann Magic Co.
$22.00 -
The Book of Conjuring and Card Tricks
$100.00 -
Goldston's Post War List of Magical Novelties
$23.00 -
Berland's Intimate Bulletin: Vol. 1, No.1-5
$30.00 -
Fun at a Banquet Catalog
$12.00 -
Modern Mysteries Extraordinary. Catalog
$20.00 -
$20.00 -
Anverdi's Lezing Seminar Lecture
$15.00 -
Goldston's Magical Quarterly, Autumn Issue 1935
$12.00 -
Pack a Deck: The Magic Wand Brochures, No. 2
$20.00 -
Tricks You Can Do
$20.00 -
The Journal of the Institute of Magicians, Set of Five
$50.00 -
Illusion Fix
$25.00 -
The Magic Catalogue
$15.00 -
Close-Up Fantasies Finale
$25.00 -
Dunninger's Book of Simplified Magic Tricks You Can Do
$25.00 -
Twenty Years of Spoof & Bluff
$75.00 -
Balbo: The Boy Magician
$16.00 -
Magic Made Easy No. 15
$22.00 -
The Midget Comic
$30.00 -
The Society of the Imps
$30.00 -
After Dinner Tricks & Puzzles with Your Seal Brand Coffee
$22.00 -
Amateur Amusements
$45.00 -
Parlour Magic
$150.00 -
Webster's Book of Mystery
$40.00 -
The Occult Review
$40.00 -
Recollections of Robert Houdin: Clockmaker Electrician Conjuror
$60.00 -
Recreations Physiques
$50.00 -
Amusemens Philologiques, ou Varietes en Tous Genres
$200.00 -
Expert Manipulation of Playing Cards
$18.00 -
A Collection of Howard Thurston Books
$50.00 -
Reminiscences of a Showman
$15.00 -
Gambling Secrets of Nick The Greek
$12.00 -
Der Hofnarr Joseph Frochlich
$60.00 -
The Jumbo Book of Magic
$12.00 -
Jacke Jugeler
$75.00 -
Promenades Amusantes a Travers La Science
$100.00 -
Les Recreations Scientifiques
$175.00 -
Physique Amusante
$275.00 -
Petit Manual de Tours de Physique
$100.00 -
Les Sciences Occultes
$120.00 -
The Art of Gambling Through the Ages
$25.00 -
Miscellaneous Tricks and Illusions Scrapbook
$200.00 -
La Physique Amusante
$75.00 -
Parley's Magazine, Part XXIX
$45.00 -
Letters on Natural Magic
$80.00 -
Brewster's Letters on Natural Magic
$80.00 -
Les Secrets de la Prestidigitation
$100.00 -
Les Pupazzi Noirs
$125.00 -
Psychologie de l'Attention
$85.00 -
Mythologie Raisonee
$200.00 -
La Verite sur le Spiritisme
$95.00 -
Tours d'Escamotage
$100.00 -
Mediums, Fakires y Prestidigitadores
$60.00 -
The Parent's Cabinet of Amusement and Instruction
$50.00 -
Marveilles de la Force et de l'Adresse
$60.00 -
Science in Sport Made Philosophy in Earnest
$75.00 -
Les Excentricites du Langage
$100.00 -
What Shall We Do To Night?
$100.00 -
Mnemonika, or the Tablet of Memory
$120.00 -
Avec un Jeu Emprunte (Lend Me Your Pack)
$75.00 -
Tours Faciles d'Escamotage
$75.00 -
The Oracle of the Arts
$500.00 -
Genii: The International Conjuror's Magazine
$8.00 -
Phil Temple's July 1996 Magic Memorabilia List (Color Photo Illustrated)
$20.00 -
The Illustrated History of Magic
$40.00 -
Magic Volume 8 Number 12
$8.00 -
Magic Tricks to Fool Your Friends!
$8.00 -
Robots Which Play Games
$25.00 -
Genii: The International Conjurors' Magazine, Dante
$10.00 -
Tricks and Twists
$15.00 -
House of a Hundred Lights
$12.00 -
Magic Tricks Vols. 1 - 6
$25.00 -
Magic Collection Miscellanea
$45.00 -
It's Fun to be Fooled Chapters 1-22
$60.00 -
The Conjurer's Vade-Mecum
$30.00 -
The Conjurer's Vade-Mecum
$45.00 -
Hercat's Simple Tricks for Social Gatherings
$25.00 -
Yar, The Primeval Man and Mysterious Mr. Yu
$25.00 -
Magical Hints and Valuable Information
$65.00 -
Miscellaneous Conjuring Tricks
$25.00 -
Parlor Magic Made Easy
$50.00 -
Bargain List No. 50, Art in Magic
$20.00 -
Not Your Grandfather's Vegas: Lance Burton Article
$12.00 -
Dante: 50 Tricks for Everybody
$20.00 -
Dante: Tricks for Everybody, New Edition
$50.00 -
Les Calculateurs Prodiges
$75.00 -
Magic for Everybody
$30.00 -
Cagliostro: A Sorcerer of the Eighteenth Century.
$200.00 -
'S Marvellous!