All Books
The Birthday Party Business
$10.00 -
David Ginn's Colorful Magic
$12.00 -
$10.00 -
The Lilliputians
$15.00 -
The Napoleon Myth
$150.00 -
The Aimwell Stories, Marcus; or, The Boy-Tamer
$50.00 -
Tricks with Cards
$35.00 -
Collectors' Showcase, April 1991 Volume 11 Number 4
$12.00 -
Parade Acts & Walkarounds that Work
$8.00 -
New and Original Conjuring Tricks
$90.00 -
Conjuring with Cards: A Practical Treatise on How to Perform Modern Card Tricks
$30.00 -
$15.00 -
Magic and Illusion
$15.00 -
The Bottom Collectors
$30.00 -
The Money Maker Machine Manual
$30.00 -
Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks
$12.00 -
Indoor Pastimes
$22.00 -
Cagliostro: A Sorcerer of the Eighteenth Century.
$150.00 -
100 Magic Tricks
$8.00 -
Stand-Up Comedy: The Book
$8.00 -
Parlor Games and Parties for Young and Old
$15.00 -
Great Tricks Revealed
$40.00 -
Legends of the World
$8.00 -
Man, Myth & Magic: Volume 1
$8.00 -
Showmanship Out of the Hat
$22.00 -
Ninety Minutes with Harold Martin Lecture No.1, Inscribed and Signed
$15.00 -
Kwickfire Klassics of Komedy
$15.00 -
The Big Buck in Magic
$18.00 -
Comedy Stunts
$15.00 -
Screamlined Patter-Rhymes & Wrinkles
$12.00 -
The 1982-83 Magic Directory
$8.00 -
Comedy Mentalism
$22.00 -
Jean Merlin's Ropes Series 1, Inscribed and Signed
$18.00 -
Personalize a Fun Filled Lecture Experience Featuring Hank Moorehouse
$12.00 -
A Magic Lecture by Hank Moorehouse, Inscribed and Signed
$12.00 -
Magic Ink
$12.00 -
The Anatomy of Magic with ALS
$200.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 43
$18.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 41
$18.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 37
$18.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 34 & No. 35
$35.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 22
$18.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 20
$18.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 19
$18.00 -
L. L. Ireland Magic Catalog No. 8
$15.00 -
Funny Talk for Magicians
$150.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 17
$18.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog Winter '77
$18.00 -
Mario Carrandi Catalog No. 25-No. 32
$140.00 -
The Encyclopedia of Collectibles
$12.00 -
Magic by Ho Yam
$18.00 -
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Gambling
$15.00 -
Magic: The Mystery Mart
$30.00 -
Haines House of Cards Catalog
$12.00 -
A Treasure Chest of Magic Catalog No. 30
$12.00 -
Silk King Studios Catalog No. 28
$8.00 -
Max Holden's Magic Shops Catalog No. 9
$15.00 -
The Yankee Magic Collector #8
$20.00 -
The Yankee Magic Collector #10
$20.00 -
The Yankee Magic Collector #10
$20.00 -
The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart
$12.00 -
The History of Gambling in England
$12.00 -
Curiosities of London
$175.00 -
MacDougall on Dice and Cards
$15.00 -
What Shall We Do To-Night? Or Social Amusements for Evening Parties
$75.00 -
Teach Yourself Magic Tricks, Inscribed and Signed
$10.00 -
Black Art or Magic Made Easy
$60.00 -
Modern Master Mysteries
$35.00 -
Tricks for Amateurs of Both Sexes
$42.00 -
The Expert at Cards
$15.00 -
New Gipsy Dream Book and Fortune Teller
$20.00 -
New Book of Card Tricks No. 21
$20.00 -
Great Scandals of Cheating at Cards
$20.00 -
The Modern Magician, Complete File and Other Magazines
$275.00 -
Leaves from My Notebook
$65.00 -
Festivals, Games and Amusements: Ancient and Modern
$80.00 -
The Boy's Own Book
$325.00 -
Homemade Games
$22.00 -
The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester
$250.00 -
The First Time Around, Inscribed and Signed
$15.00 -
Merlin's Catalog of Magic
$12.00 -
The Hard Knocker's Luck
$12.00 -
Henry Hardin's Memorandum of Magic
$150.00 -
Money from Entertaining
$25.00 -
Rummy that Noble Game Expounded in Prose, Poetry Diagram and Engraving
$25.00 -
How to Become a Conjuror: Everybody's Book of Modern Illusions and Magic
$22.00 -
Macy's Book of Sports and Pastimes
$100.00 -
Solomon's Secrets
$55.00 -
Rameses the Forgotten Star
$45.00 -
Playing Card in Photographs
$35.00 -
Life and Times of Augustus Rapp
$28.95 -
Jay Marshall Auction Catalog
$20.00 -
Cutting Up Touches
$25.00 -
Timbas, Chirlatas y Casinos
$300.00 -
Los Secretos de la Prestidigitacion y de la Magia
$125.00 -
Nuevo Manual de Juegos
$95.00 -
The Sharper Detected and Exposed
$375.00 -
Ten Secrets of Modern Magic
$35.00 -
Gambling Memorabilia Featruing the Collection of Tom Blue (March 30, 2019)
$35.00 -
Vintage Posters (May 22, 2019)
$35.00 -
The Magic Collection of Jim Rawlins, Part II (June 29th, 2019)
$35.00 -
The Illustrated Book of Patience Games
$65.00 -
The Book of Modern Conjuring
$75.00 -
Scientific Mysteries
$95.00 -
The Boys' Book of Magic
$30.00 -
Practical Ventriloquism
$35.00 -
Gilbert's Magical Broadcaster Vol. 1 No. 61
$18.00 -
Secrets of Magic
$18.00 -
Magic with Canes
$25.00 -
Becoming Known
$12.00 -
The Adventures of a Boy Magician
$60.00 -
Hoyle's Games Modernized
$125.00 -
Pop Culture (July 27, 2019)
$35.00 -
Coin-Op & Advertising (September 28, 2019)
$35.00 -
Books and Manuscripts & Fine Art (October 18, 2019)
$35.00 -
Dunninger's Popular Magic and Card Tricks No.3
$65.00 -
How to Make Your Daydreams Come True
$12.00 -
Memoirs of a Midget
$30.00 -
The Clairvoyant
$22.00 -
Behind the Scenes with the Mediums