All Books
Abbott's Catalog No. 17
$22.00 -
The Green Felt Jungle
$25.00 -
The 80's Called… They Want Their Magic Book Back, Volume One
$22.00 -
Ron Frost's Card Miracles: After the Force
$40.00 -
The Wizard Exposed
$30.00 -
Thirty Years of Sustained Wonder, Le Grand David: Spectacular Magic Company
$35.00 -
Impromptu (Legerdemain)
$15.00 -
Dante: 50 Juegos de Magia al alcance de Todos
$40.00 -
The Wizard Exposed
$20.00 -
Expert Manipulation of Playing Cards
$25.00 -
$45.00 -
Chung Ling Soo: the Man Behind the Legend! (Signed)
$55.00 -
Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic
$20.00 -
Exceptional Concepts
$40.00 -
Darwin's Thumb Tip Miracles
$20.00 -
Magic with Cards
$15.00 -
Twelve Tested Tricks
$30.00 -
Varied Deceptions
$20.00 -
Walter Gibson's Encyclopedia of Magic and Conjuring
$22.00 -
Card Appeal (Signed)
$29.00 -
$20.00 -
Ten New Prepared Card Tricks, Number Four
$30.00 -
Cabinet, Issue 26: Magic
$20.00 -
Professional Magic for Children
$22.00 -
The High School Stunt Show and Carnival
$22.00 -
Wilfrid Jonson's Magic Tricks
$15.00 -
The Marian Chavez: Encyclopedia of Dove Magic
$30.00 -
The Shadow: The Crime Oracle and Teeth of the Dragon
$35.00 -
Street Magic
$12.00 -
Three Ball Digest
$15.00 -
Frank Garcia's Sponge Balls
$15.00 -
Jeff Ezell's Close-Up & Parlor Magic, Lecture Notes
$22.00 -
John Mulholland's Story of Magic
$45.00 -
Our Mysteries
$35.00 -
Encore III (Inscribed and Signed)
$22.00 -
Insider Secrets (Signed)
$35.00 -
Inspirations: Performing Magic with Excellence
$45.00 -
Modern Coin Magic
$40.00 -
Key Note Speaking for Magicians: The Complete Guide
$35.00 -
Experimental Science
$95.00 -
Rezvanimagie (Inscribed and Signed)
$175.00 -
Tours de Physique Amusante
$115.00 -
Nuevo Manual De Magia Blanca
$205.00 -
First Impressions
$16.00 -
Magicana Fiftieth Anniversary, New Zealand's International Magazine for Magicians
$12.00 -
Big Easy Card Cunning
$35.00 -
$18.00 -
Nouveautes Cartomagiques
$65.00 -
Tricks with Eggs, Hats, etc.
$60.00 -
The Floating and Dancing Cane
$12.00 -
Vanni Bossi Lecture Notes
$40.00 -
For Your Eyes Only
$40.00 -
The Wonders of Science; or, Young Humphry Davy
$75.00 -
Adventures in Magic
$100.00 -
Son of Simon Says!
$50.00 -
Charles Bertram: The Court Conjurer, Inscribed and Signed
$135.00 -
Owen Magic Supreme, The Finest in Magic: Catalog Eleven
$30.00 -
A Checklist of Conjuring Catalogs
$70.00 -
Encore III
$22.00 -
Magic City Library of Magic Volume 6: Folding Coin
$8.00 -
Card Script
$25.00 -
Lecture 2001
$12.00 -
Artistik: Auswahl-Bibliographie
$45.00 -
Jean Hugard Testimonial
$35.00 -
Successful Conjuring
$25.00 -
How to Entertain Children with Magic You Can Do
$10.00 -
Encyclopedia of Card Magic
$25.00 -
$35.00 -
The Lives of the Conjurors
$125.00 -
Magic and Its Mysteries
$90.00 -
Will Goldston's Annual of Magic 1915-16
$50.00 -
$15.00 -
Dan Tong's Restaurant & Table Magic
$15.00 -
Gambling Tricks with Cards, Part One and Two
$45.00 -
Precious Gems
$22.00 -
T. C.'s Big Book of Practical Jokes
$15.00 -
$12.00 -
100 Under 140 "Magician"
$18.00 -
Run-Up Systems
$15.00 -
Great Magicians of the Past
$40.00 -
Scotch & Soda, Copper & Silver, Gin & Tonic
$10.00 -
Card Sharpers: Tricks Exposed!
$22.00 -
More Tips on Flash Paper
$15.00 -
Handsome Jack, etc. (Japanese)
$45.00 -
$25.00 -
Suzy Wandas: The Lady with the Fairy Fingers
$60.00 -
The Magic of Slydini (Inscribed and Signed)
$125.00 -
The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist
$100.00 -
$35.00 -
Synergistic Sandwiches: Six Sandwiches in a Single Sitting
$25.00 -
Lecture Notes: Concepts & Deceptions
$25.00 -
Illusioneering 2000
$12.00 -
A Lifetime of Joy
$22.00 -
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something for You
$15.00 -
A Hat Full of "Stuff"
$15.00 -
The Magic of John Riggs, The Man with $1.98 Hands
$25.00 -
Some More Exquisite Conjuring, Vol. II
$42.00 -
The Book of Exquisite Conjuring Vol. I
$42.00 -
Ireland Magic Co. Catalogs
$75.00 -
Be Deceived
$15.00 -
Memoirs of a Physician
$55.00 -
Newspaper Magic (Inscribed and Signed)
$30.00 -
Drawing-Room Conjuring
$125.00 -
More Magic
$60.00 -
Miscellaneous Conjuring Tricks
$65.00 -
Hoyle's Games Modernized
$100.00 -
21st Century Card Magic
$45.00 -
Miracles with Cards
$45.00 -
A Magician Prepares: Act One - Interviews
$30.00 -
Manipulating with Leech
$15.00 -
Emil Loew's Lecture Notes (Inscribed and Signed)
$12.00 -
The LeClair Animator
$12.00 -
Magician 24/7
$12.00 -
Jeff McBride's Kundalini Rising and Un-Masked
$30.00 -
Cunning Card Miracles
$15.00 -
Kid Stuff III
$25.00 -
The Classics of Magic: Coin Tricks, Volume One
$13.00 -
An Alien with Extraordinary Ability!
$15.00 -
Curtain Call: The First Final Lecture of Paul Diamond
$22.00 -
Showmanship and Presentation