All Books
Lectures Before the Thompson Street Poker Club
$250.00 -
Carteles de Magia
$115.00 -
Fifty Years of Psychical Research: A Critical Survey
$70.00 -
The Infallible Tester and the Tested System
$35.00 -
Card Tricks: How to Do Them, and Slight of Hand
$80.00 -
How to Make Puppets and Teach Puppetry
$15.00 -
My Profession
$45.00 -
Bibliography of Memory
$20.00 -
At the Table
$35.00 -
Great Tricks Revealed
$40.00 -
Championship Card Tricks
$12.00 -
Championship Card Tricks
$10.00 -
Magic Eye III
$16.00 -
Groot Spectrum Goochelboek
$30.00 -
Mark Wilson's Greatest Magic Tricks
$10.00 -
Laurel & Hardy
$25.00 -
Magic as a Business
$50.00 -
The High Art of Gambling
$100.00 -
Causeries Sur La Science
$95.00 -
Original Mysteries for Magicians
$35.00 -
Milbourne Christopher's Magic Book
$10.00 -
How Magic Works
$150.00 -
$18.00 -
Cardboard Charades
$35.00 -
The World's Pictorial Sports and Pastimes
$40.00 -
Showmanship for Magicians
$55.00 -
$15.00 -
$15.00 -
Later Magic
$125.00 -
Le Jeu
$22.00 -
The Encyclopedic Book of Wonders and Curiosities
$90.00 -
Popular Amusements for In and Out of Doors
$65.00 -
Comment Cela Se Fait
$55.00 -
Magician's Manual
$75.00 -
Card Tricks without Apparatus
$35.00 -
Houdini: His Life and Art
$15.00 -
John Calvert: Magic and Adventures Around the World, Signed
$75.00 -
Peerless Prestidigitation
$20.00 -
Conjuror's Journal
$12.00 -
Le Grand David Bibliohistory
$95.00 -
What's New in Magic
$15.00 -
What's New in Magic
$15.00 -
Ponsin on Conjuring
$35.00 -
Additional Deceptions From Derek Dingle, Lecture Notes No. 2
$22.00 -
New Millennium World Tour
$15.00 -
The Crabtree Connection
$20.00 -
Magic in Fiction: A Short-Title Checklist
$18.00 -
Tricks for Today and Tomorrow
$25.00 -
Berland's Tricks and Routines
$25.00 -
More of Berlands Exclusive Tricks
$12.00 -
Lecture Notes: New Orleans, July 1982
$20.00 -
Gaetan Bloom Series No. 1
$20.00 -
Gaetan Bloom 1999
$20.00 -
Gaetan Bloom Lecture Notes: Las Vegas, March 1981
$20.00 -
Gaetan Bloom 86 (Inscribed and Signed)
$18.00 -
Chinese Magic and Illusions
$9.00 -
The Great Merlini
$115.00 -
While I'm Gone
$22.00 -
Much Ado About Something (Inscribed and Signed)
$50.00 -
The Elements of Hypnotism
$75.00 -
Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks Volume 5
$250.00 -
Up Close with Andrus (Inscribed and Signed)
$20.00 -
Gene Anderson's Si Stebbins Card Routine
$8.00 -
Special Magic: Lecture Notes for 1974 Japan Tour
$20.00 -
True & Co. Catalogue Brocure
$135.00 -
Hold'em Magic
$40.00 -
Calculated Chaos
$15.00 -
The Magic of Ascanio: Ascanio's Knives and Color-Blindness
$45.00 -
The Magician's Handbook
$18.00 -
Magic and Magicians
$35.00 -
Packs of Fun
$35.00 -
Heroes of Magic
$75.00 -
Quality Magic
$125.00 -
$20.00 -
For Magicians Only
$50.00 -
Gale's Cabinet of Knowledge, or, Miscellaneous Recreations
$900.00 -
Comment on nous Vole au Jeu, M. Laratisse en Province
$125.00 -
One Hundred Entertainments
$45.00 -
Das Strassburger Wurfelbuch von 1529
$45.00 -
Illustriertes Lehrbuch des Skatspiels
$75.00 -
Lotterie, Lotto, Roulett und Pharospieler
$100.00 -
Conjuring Tricks with Coins, Watches, Rings, and Handkerchiefs
$60.00 -
The New Field: Commercial Magic Via Sponsors
$10.00 -
New Magic Selection, Lecture Notes 1990
$12.00 -
Fran and Me
$55.00 -
100 Amazing Magic Tricks
$15.00 -
Robert Houdin
$65.00 -
Browsing Around in Magic
$12.00 -
Magic Feats
$15.00 -
Card Tricks You Will Like
$15.00 -
The Magician's Road to Fame
$250.00 -
The Stein and Day Handbook of Magic
$12.00 -
The Notebook
$45.00 -
Animated Miracles
$18.00 -
Magicians' Yearbook 1996
$35.00 -
Abbott's Catalog No. 24
$22.00 -
Spoiler Alert
$45.00 -
100 Amazing Magic Tricks
$25.00 -
The Amazing Book of Magic
$12.00 -
Salon de Magie, the Klosterman Collection Part I
$55.00 -
Masters of Magic
$18.00 -
$35.00 -
Secrets of a "Puerto Rican Gambler"
$80.00 -
Double-Dazzling Triumph by Daryl
$18.00 -
Thayer's Quality Magic Catalogue Number 8
$65.00 -
Daryl Martinez Magic Lecture Notes
$20.00 -
The Fine Art of Hocus Pocus
$45.00 -
The Magic of Jonathan Friedman, the Musical
$35.00 -
Card Trickery
$22.00 -
Latest Catalogue of Modern Magic
$25.00 -
Abbott's Catalog No. 5
$30.00 -
Epoptica (Complete File)
$500.00 -
Betcha!: How to Win Free Drinks for Life
$22.00 -
A Cut Above
$40.00 -
Dramatic Magic: The Art of Hidden Secrets (Inscribed and Signed)
$50.00 -
Conjurians' Discoveries (Inscribed and Signed)
$45.00 -
$18.00 -
$18.00 -
$20.00 -