All Books
Houdini's Magic Secrets
$12.00 -
L'Illusionniste Amateur, No. 2 Tours de Cartes
$45.00 -
Knots & Splices
$12.00 -
Fun With Cards
$25.00 -
How to Become a Conjurer
$13.00 -
Das Universum der Magie
$150.00 -
Scarne's Magic Tricks
$22.00 -
The Truth About Hypnotism
$20.00 -
Let's Do a Play!
$25.00 -
The Art of Amusing
$225.00 -
100 Posters of Buffalo Bill's Wild West
$50.00 -
Scientific Magical Experiments
$25.00 -
Blue Ribbon Comedy
$11.00 -
Magic Made Easy
$15.00 -
Stage Mentalism
$15.00 -
Mysterious Tricks
$28.00 -
$45.00 -
Buffalo Novelty Bazaar: Dice, Card and Novelty Catalog
$75.00 -
Hills Bros. Catalog No. 42
$75.00 -
Bed of Nails: The Story of the Amazing Blondini
$55.00 -
Fifty Years in the Magic Circle
$135.00 -
Popular Magic for the Amateur Conjurer
$13.00 -
Card Tricks and Puzzles
$65.00 -
$50.00 -
40 New Mental Mysteries
$32.00 -
Underhanded Sorcery
$42.00 -
Parlour Magic
$150.00 -
Mathematical Recreations and Problems
$125.00 -
Dick's One Hundred Amusements for Evening Parties, Picnics and Social Gatherings
$175.00 -
Close-Up Fantasies Book II
$25.00 -
Close-Up Fantasies Book I
$25.00 -
Jean Hugard
$25.00 -
The Magic of Sam Berland (Signed)
$45.00 -
Highlight Magic
$70.00 -
Magic in the Morris Manor
$30.00 -
Special Effects, 1994-1995 Catalog
$25.00 -
The Business of Restaurant Magic (Inscribed and Signed)
$25.00 -
The First Japan Lecture 1993 (English Version)
$20.00 -
Conjuring, Volume One
$30.00 -
The Boy's Own Book of Indoor Games and Recreations
$95.00 -
Ionia: Magician Princess, Secrets Unlocked
$95.00 -
Automaton Band Print
$85.00 -
Sherlock Holmes and the Eminent Thespian
$28.00 -
$13.00 -
Hit the Deck
$12.00 -
50 Kute Koin Tricks
$12.00 -
How to Eat Fire Without Indigestion
$22.00 -
Profiles in Coinage
$30.00 -
The Expert at the Card Table
$95.00 -
Abbott's Magic for Magicians: Secrets for Occidental and Oriental Mysteries
$65.00 -
The Chicago Surprise: A Card Routine
$25.00 -
Crambrook's Catalogue 1843
$65.00 -
Good-Night Mister Dante
$30.00 -
Modern Miracles in Magic
$20.00 -
Die Enthullten Zauberkrafte
$1,200.00 -
Magic, Pretended Miracles, and Remarkable Natural Phenomena
$275.00 -
Patter Chatter
$25.00 -
Parlour Magic
$200.00 -
Leaves from Conjurers' Scrap Books
$125.00 -
Miraculous Hindu Feats
$15.00 -
Andrus Deals Again No. 1 (of a Series)
$13.00 -
Les Amuseurs de la Rue
$95.00 -
Tricks for the Part-Time Pro
$10.00 -
The Part-Time Pro: Return Engagement
$14.00 -
The Mentalist
$125.00 -
Magical Ex Libris: A Checklist
$75.00 -
Salon de Magie, the Klosterman Collection Part II
$55.00 -
Dante: 50 Tricks for Everybody
$30.00 -
Creations Magiques d'un Prestidigitateur Moderne
$175.00 -
Parlor Tricks with Cards
$225.00 -
Pair of Card Tricks
$12.00 -
Galerie Magique (Inscribed and Signed)
$225.00 -
The Expert at the Card Table
$135.00 -
Ireland's Original Cup and Ball Routines
$11.00 -
Bands of Gold
$25.00 -
Mad Fax and Other Mysteries
$18.00 -
Joe Strong: The Boy Wizard
$30.00 -
Miracle Methods No. 4: Tricks and Sleights
$22.00 -
Le jeu des Gobelets
$250.00 -
Le Grandes Illusions d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui
$225.00 -
The Topit Book
$40.00 -
Encore 3
$35.00 -
Freak Show
$15.00 -
Water Wizardry
$35.00 -
Blackstone Advertising Booklet
$35.00 -
Topper's Mad, Mad, Magic
$75.00 -
Sleeving: How to Do It, What to Do With It
$70.00 -
Natural Magick
$275.00 -
La Magie De Finn Jon
$70.00 -
Deux Conferences sur la Prestidigitation
$95.00 -
Foxing Around (Signed)
$75.00 -
It's Fun to Be Fooled
$30.00 -
Dante's Sim-Sala-Bim Fox Trot Full Orchestra Score
$55.00 -
Fourth Collectors Annual
$75.00 -
$80.00 -
The Bibliography of Conjuring and Kindred Deceptions
$35.00 -
Les Automates
$18.00 -
John G. Hauff, Stage Illusions
$150.00 -
Hornmann Magic Company, 20th Century Wonders
$150.00 -
The New Magician's Manual
$12.00 -
Sleight of Hand
$150.00 -
The Four Faces of Robert Harbin: A Wizard Ever There Woz
$35.00 -
Dix Seances d'Illusionnisme
$115.00 -
Aids to Wizardry and Other Titles
$150.00 -
La Magia de Ascanio (Inscribed and Signed)
$70.00 -
Around the World with a Magician and a Juggler
$125.00 -
Books on Psychical Research catalog
$65.00 -
Caroly Catalog No. 3
$125.00 -
A Magician Explains
$125.00 -
L'envers du Theatre
$200.00 -
Television Dove Magic
$90.00 -
Le Jeu de Carte
$150.00 -
Rice's More Naughty Silks
$125.00 -
Conjuring for Amateurs
$25.00 -
Tricks for Everyone
$65.00 -
Invisible Secrets Revealed
$85.00 -
Les Cartes E.S.P.
$125.00 -
Beautes et Forces de la Nature
$125.00 -
Westminster Wizardry
$30.00 -
Playing Cards