All Books
$25.00 -
The Magic of Rezvani (La Magie du Sorcier)
$150.00 -
Miniature Card Magic
$25.00 -
Ninth Collectors Annual
$100.00 -
Playing Cards
$15.00 -
Working the Tables
$25.00 -
The Odin Rings
$60.00 -
The Card Expert Entertains
$35.00 -
Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus
$175.00 -
Our Mysteries
$10.00 -
The Pocket Book of Patter
$20.00 -
Magical Spoonerism No. 2 Here's "Hoo" with Coins
$12.00 -
Sleightly Sensational
$20.00 -
It Just Happens
$20.00 -
The Realm of the Incredible
$20.00 -
The Penetrable Silk
$15.00 -
Sparky's One Balloon Menagerie
$15.00 -
Miracle Math
$25.00 -
Secrets of Mind Power
$12.00 -
Hextradinary Hexiflip
$25.00 -
The New Book of Runes
$35.00 -
$30.00 -
Not Primigenial
$10.00 -
$12.00 -
Hanky Panky
$95.00 -
The Master Mystery
$175.00 -
Salon de Magie, the Klosterman Collection Part III
$55.00 -
Simply Wizard
$15.00 -
Help Yourself
$20.00 -
Penn & Teller's How to Play with Your Food
$35.00 -
More Card Manipulations Vol. I-IV
$40.00 -
Off the Beaten Path
$12.00 -
Drug Store Magic
$18.00 -
$40.00 -
The Pearson Puzzle Book
$40.00 -
Escape! The Story of the Great Houdini
$10.00 -
Fooling Houdini
$6.00 -
The Bailey Formula (Inscribed and Signed)
$15.00 -
$13.00 -
The Super Bullet Catching Act
$75.00 -
The Expositor (Deluxe Edition)
$175.00 -
Man of Magic and Mystery: Walter B. Gibson
$40.00 -
Magical Mentalia
$14.00 -
Herrmann the Magician
$175.00 -
The Armchair Magician
$6.00 -
Repro 71, What's New Geoff?
$15.00 -
Mark Leveridge Magic Catalogue
$15.00 -
Telepathische Unterrishtsbriefe
$85.00 -
Gamagic Gamages Catalog No. 6
$25.00 -
Repro 71, Exclusive Import List (Inscribed and Signed)
$15.00 -
Dealer News
$15.00 -
Harold Rice Presents Francis B. Martineau's Walsh Cane Routines
$15.00 -
That's Good!
$20.00 -
Trick Tracks
$20.00 -
Modern Conjuring
$20.00 -
Wehman's Wizard's Manual
$85.00 -
Tricks and Treats
$8.00 -
Conjuring Patter, Volume One
$45.00 -
One Balloon Zoo
$12.00 -
TV's Original Balloonatic
$12.00 -
Making Magic with Cubes (Inscribed and Signed)
$35.00 -
Bob Little's Catalog of Magic No. 1 (Inscribed and Signed)
$12.00 -
Thayer's Quality Magic, Catalog No. 9 Volume 5
$22.00 -
Working Alone, Inscribed and Signed
$15.00 -
Kovari's Master Magic
$20.00 -
Deceptive Conceptions in Magic
$25.00 -
Aids to Wizardry
$40.00 -
For Your Entertainment Pleasure
$55.00 -
Mac's Magic
$20.00 -
Bongo's Bazaar, An Evening of Pongolian Rubbish Lecture Notes
$6.00 -
Clever Little Ideas Presented
$25.00 -
Original Magical Novelties
$22.00 -
The Ireland Magic Co. Supplementary Catalogue
$12.00 -
Silk King Studios Catalog No. 25
$20.00 -
Silk King Studios Catalog No. 24
$20.00 -
Hughes List of Magic
$15.00 -
L. L. Ireland Magic Catalog No. 11
$15.00 -
A Magical Spoonerism Lecture
$20.00 -
Peter Kersten Presents Lecture No. 1
$12.00 -
Sam Berland's Lecture, Tricks and Routines
$20.00 -
New and Original Magic
$13.00 -
Magical Bibliographies: A Guide
$90.00 -
You're Putting Me On!
$20.00 -
Conjuring for Connoisseurs, The Magic Wand "Shilling Series" No. 1
$18.00 -
The Boy's Playbook of Science
$165.00 -
"Right Under Your Nose"
$12.00 -
$18.00 -
Magic Secrets for Entertaining
$30.00 -
Mes Secrets D'Illusionniste
$35.00 -
Matchbox Delights
$20.00 -
Ken Allen's Do It Yourself Lecture No. 1
$10.00 -
Sensational Secrets
$15.00 -
$22.00 -
Pavel's 15 Micro Tricks
$15.00 -
Politicking Magic
$8.00 -
Magigram Presentation Copy, Edwin Hooper Issue
$45.00 -
Master Sleights with Billiard Balls
$22.00 -
Stanyon's Twentieth Century Original and Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue
$150.00 -
Hamley's Book of Magic and Mystery
$65.00 -
Bar Magic
$25.00 -
What's New with Ken Allen
$12.00 -
The Boy's Own Conjuring Book
$100.00 -
Proceedings of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, Short-Title Catalogue and Supplement
$175.00 -
The Mysteryes of Nature and Art (London), 1634
$95.00 -
The Book of Drawing-Room Plays and Evening Amusements
$50.00 -
Cassell's Book of In-Door Amusements, Card Games and Fireside Fun 1881
$25.00 -
Struggles and Triumphs; or, Forty Years' Recollections of P. T. Barnum
$75.00 -
Preis-Courant der Fabrik von Zauber-Apparaten Mechaniseher, Physikalischer, Electrischmagnetischer, Construction fur Kunstler und Dilettanten
$95.00 -
Chess Novelties
$75.00 -
The Modern Hoyle
$65.00 -
A Modern Handkerchief Act with Humourous Patter
$15.00 -
Three Six Bits
$12.00 -
Tricks of the Masters
$30.00 -
Old Conjuring Books (Signed)
$100.00 -
A Modern Mystery Merchant
$100.00 -
George Kirkendall's Magic You Like to See
$15.00 -
Catalogue of Golden Opportunities
$15.00 -
Tri-Fecta (Inscribed and Signed)
$15.00 -
A Demonstrator's Dream, Part I
$20.00 -
The Matches of Lucifer